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What direction is 5B Maverick oriented on the ground?
The 5B Maverick solution is usually deployed so that the panels face an east-west aspect, however the unique low tilt angle of the technology allows any orientation with minor reductions in energy yield, typically less than 1%.
This means that the 5B Maverick can be deployed in a layout that makes optimal use of the site without yield loss regardless of the site aspect ratio, exclusion zones, etc.
How fast can you deploy a 5B Maverick?
Deployment time is site specific, however as a general rule a team of 3 accredited deployment partner personnel can deploy a 48 kWp 5B Maverick on a greenfield site in under an hour.
Our deployment partner SolarMovil deployed 22 5B Maverick arrays totaling 1.1 megawatt in capacity in a single day with a crew of 10 at AES’ Andes Solar II B facility in the Atacama Desert, Chile.
Can 5B Maverick be deployed on sloping or undulating terrain?
5B Maverick arrays can be deployed on sloping sites and undulating ground, with an inclination of 3° with 5B actively working to increase this to 5°. Each beam requires two points of contact with the ground and pads are used to level out height differences up to 100mm. 5B Mavericks can be positioned to follow the site terrain.
How big is a 5B Maverick?
The 5B Maverick is typically 48.6 kWp made up of 90x 540 Wp modules. When fully deployed the 5B Maverick dimensions are 5950W, 42090L, 600H mm. Each array weighs under 6000kg. Four 5P10B arrays fit compactly into a standard 40’ High-Cube shipping container, utilising maximum space while remaining under the maximum payload.
Can you replace a module in a 5B Maverick?
Yes. We provide our customers and partners with detailed procedures for this maintenance to take place.
How do you control vegetation in a 5B Maverick solar farm?
Vegetation management is similar to mechanical and chemical techniques used with conventional solar technologies. We are conducting research into additional automation and bio controls such as robotic mowers and native ecosystem support.
What is the design life of the 5B Maverick?
The design life of the 5B Maverick is 25-30 years.
What is the warranty on 5B Maverick?
The 5B Maverick is warrantied for 10 years. Modules’ warranties are determined by module manufacturers.
How many times can 5B Maverick be relocated?
You have the flexibility to deploy, remove and relocate a 5B Maverick array multiple times and significant reductions in stranded asset risk can improve access to finance.
What kind of inverters are compatible with the 5B Maverick?
5B Maverick is inverter agnostic. 5B systems have been installed with string or central inverters from SMA, Kaco, Huawei, Sungrow, Ingeteam, GPTech, and Fimer. Typically the DC/AC ratio used for east-west systems is 1.3 for maximum array efficiency during the year.
How does the 5B Maverick integrate with the DC BOS?
The 5B Maverick allows for a column gap of 700mm, allowing a cable tray to neatly fit on top of the beams and collect the truncated or string DC cables to the south of the 5B Maverick array (in the Southern Hemisphere), where typically combiner boxes are located for reticulation to the inverters.
Can you string east and west facing module strings to the same inverter MPPT?
Yes. It is possible for an east-west configuration to be connected to a single MVPS. All east facing and west facing strings need to be composed of the same number of modules in series per string. The MVPS has a single MPPT, but it can still adequately track the MPPT of an array with a combination of east/west facing strings on parallel. The maximum power point voltage of the east and west facing strings will be virtually the same, especially for relatively shallow tilts (e.g. 10°).
Like any other PV array, the short circuit current needs to be checked and the maximum open circuit voltage on the coldest day expected on site is within the maximum ratings of the inverter.
The 5B Maverick arrives on site prefabricated, with all relevant east facing modules and all relevant west facing modules connected to the same string, enabling the single MVPS connection mentioned above. The deployed 5B Maverick results in modules facing east or west tilted to 10° enabling the similar maximum power point voltage as indicated above.