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Clean up and cash in


‘I love the smell of success more than petrol’

When the Holden factory shut down in Adelaide, a lot of local jobs were lost. Then 5B's new solar manufacturing plant opened its doors, and workers like Chris found themselves using their skills in an exciting new role.

Once shut out of Australian manufacturing, workers like Chris are getting back on the tools.

“I’ve gone from building fast cars to building solar farms at speed. It’s keeping manufacturing alive here”


Chris' story is part of the Investor Group on Climate Change (IGCC) 'Climate Action Pays Offs' campaign to showcase the long-term benefits of renewables to the Australian economy, and encourage the Federal Government to set a climate target that unlocks further investment in this sector. We are pleased to be a part of it.

Australia's biggest economic opportunity is the shift to clean industries. By tapping into solar and wind, which is abundant and cheap, we will see thousands of additional jobs and support our businesses and local communities.

We need to get ahead of the curve by continuing to build clean industries that will help lower the cost of living and power bills, keep the lights on, and provide secure job opportunities.
By supporting a strong 2035 climate target, investors both here and abroad will have the confidence to continue investing in Australian jobs and a fairer future for all.
Show your support for the Climate Action Pays Offs campaign by following them on:



Build your solar farm with 5B

Leverage the benefits of 5B solar solutions to maximise your investment returns.